[ Noo-truh-men-tl ]
"...any substance or matter that, taken into a living organism, serves to sustain it in its existence, promoting growth, replacing loss, and providing energy"
[ Nugh-its ]
"...lump of something, as of precious metal; anything of great value, significance; bite-size"
As the name states, our services will provide you life sustaining counseling perfectly portioned for your needs and wants.

Our Services
NutriMental Nuggets' Medical Nutrition Therapy services include education/counseling & culinary nutrition sessions. MNT is nutritional diagnostic, therapy, and counseling services for the purpose of disease management which are furnished by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional.
Education and Counseling
Nutrition Education: “A formal process to instruct or train a patient/client in a skill or to impart knowledge to help patients/clients voluntarily manage or modify food, nutrition and physical activity choices and behavior to maintain or improve health"
THIS MEANS...during our sessions we provide education "nuggets" that help build upon your accurate knowledge of nutrition concepts which leads to a strong foundation
Nutrition Counseling: “A supportive process, characterized by a collaborative counselor-patient relationship, to establish food, nutrition and physical activity priorities, goals, and individualized action plans that acknowledge and foster responsibility for self-care to treat an existing condition and promote health"
THIS MEANS...we work together to take your education "nuggets" and implement them into lifestyle changes. As we build upon your confidence, we assist you in reaching your short- and long-term goals.

Culinary Nutrition
Culinary nutrition: “…RDs who practice culinary nutrition help people and companies create menus, menu items, products or recipes that are nutritionally sound and flavorful. Culinary nutrition professionals can work side-by-side with chefs or other culinary professionals, knowing the language, techniques, and tools of the culinary world and applying nutrition science principles to create great-tasting, good-for-you foods.”
THIS MEANS...Medical nutrition therapy focused cooking classes are based on your specific need and preferences. Let’s cook together and build your kitchen confidence!